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Products manufactured by Equipozo for export. 

Wate level meter

1.- Water level meter

Wellquip Model SEP

Exclusive Aluminum and SS reel design. 


The SEP water level meter is designed for well drillers, consultants and hydrogeologists. The SEP is manufactured for professionals who require the most accurate measurements of water levels, length of well-casing and total well-depth.

- Polyethylene coated yellow steel tape with 2 SS cables.

- Permanently laser marked every mm

- Thin probe (IP68) - 3/8" 

Water level meter

Padded Carry Case included

Cable de sonda de nivel

2.- Water Well Repair


Save your well. Don´t drill a new one!

Equipozo design and manufacture the Electrohydraulic Swage Tool EP1212.

Equipment is able to repair from 12" to 20" wells.


Force: 150 Tons are able to repair the well. 


All CAD design made by Equipozo. 

Full stress analysis 

Captura de pantalla 2019-09-15 13.00.38.
Captura de pantalla 2019-09-15 13.00.28.

Hundreds of wells repaired by Equipozo. 

We are the experts because we design it and us it for ourselves. 

Equipment made to last with super-strength materials.

® © 2025  Derechos reservados:

Equipozo S.A. de C.V.  /  Tecnipozo S.A. de C.V.


+52 (55) 5271 3925

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